Friday, 30 October 2009

the third day on the fourth

yesterday, i planned the material things i should soon own and possess:
  • beach cruiser (this is what my brother and i call the chinaman's bike)
  • a persian cat
  • a new violin
  • new books for my library
  • savings intended for a new car.

i plan on saving money to put up a micro-business that shall finance the procurement of the aforementioned items. this is in keeping with the principle that kiyosaki and lechter espoused: one's savings should not be spend on something that shall not realize profits.

TODAY, the fourth day on my journey to health, wealth and success, i made a leap. i blindly presented myself to an establishment that shall provide me with an initial capital for that business i intend to begin with.

what this business is, i still don't know.

today, i was asked what business this was. book bags, accessories, catering business, they were all floating in my mind. to ramble and enumerate them would show my indecisiveness. rather, i decribed the purpose of this blog and said that determining the first business is part of the process.


Wednesday, 28 October 2009

3rd day- education for everyone

this is one of the causes i would like to support when i become wealthy. everyone should be given a chance to be in school. i would encourage and help children go to school. i'd provide materials, stipend and tuition fee.

i just realized i might be well on my way to achieving this vision. only that, i will be doing it with foreigners who came to my country to learn english. yes, i will be teaching them the english language.
darn. i hope i'd be patient with these foreigners.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

day two- with my virgin oven

i spent the day improving on my culinary skills. i went to the supermarket, bought lots of cheese and ground meat, went home to whip up the creamiest baked macaroni my oven has ever had. i had disney classics playing on the background, hoping ariel and beauty would inspire me.

i also bought rj ledesma's LIES MY YAYA SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME to accompany me while my elbow macaroni-filled pyrex sat in the womb of my ariston oven. mr. ledesma tickled me to death that i almost had a rubbery burnt sienna brick for dinner.

i'm on my second day to greatness, but i still don't have an actual gameplan.

so far, i'm a few hundreds away from gettng that chinaman's bike (you know, that which has a basket attached to the handlebars); i still haven't reviewed my violin notes; i have to attend some training to attend tomorrow, and i have to do a pilgrimage to two churches to pray that i do become a lawyer now and to ask forgiveness for being such a bitch.

Monday, 26 October 2009

the first day

today is the beginning of the rest of my life.
with a cousin, i planned a revolt against the elders of the family.
you see, kids of our generation do not have a say on the kind of profession we are to pursue. we have our elders to chart that course we call life. they tell us what to do and how to do it. Little do the elders realize that this kind of oppression has brought us cousins closer.
so far, we have resolved to work abroad, save up till old age and live in an island as bohemians.